( Writing this from Enterprise, Oregon on September 3. )
On the west side of Enterprise is the town of Lostine. There is a corridor of campgrounds there off Hwy-82. they are rustic and primitive sites like our camps on Hwy-39 east of Enterprise.
Last week we went to check them out, and of course found them to be not nearly as wonderful as ours. Ha! Ha!
Last week we went to check them out, and of course found them to be not nearly as wonderful as ours. Ha! Ha!
I have afew pictures of the smoke that fills the air around Enterprise from the nearby forest fires that started in the middle of August in Wallowa County from lightening strikes. They are mostly contained now after nearly 60,000 acres of burn, the loss of homes and buildings and the hard work of up to 800 firefighters.
Have a wonderful night. XOXO, B&D